She-Hulk: Attorney at Law - Episode 7 - Review

After two nothing episodes in a row, I was ready for the show to finally push forward with its main threat, more so with how the last episode ended. However, what we got was something entirely different yet again and while it did push the story forward, it took all the episode to do so and the stuff before then, was just weird.
Way back when The Incredible Hulk released, we got to see Emil Blonsky in action, both as a solider, a super-ised soldier and of course, The Abomination and each time we saw him, his entire purpose was the mission. Having the man return into this show, but as a more spiritually aligned person was interesting enough for an episode, but there was no need to explore his life further, but that is what we got. Having Jen be the only person who could go up to assist in the checking of the monitoring bracelet was weird, if only because the threat that the Abomination could pose, should be met with a team of people watching the anklet, instead its some random parole officer. Of course, once there we discover that Blonsky isn’t just meditating on his own, but rather attempting to be a guru to other people with issues and that is established when Jen’s car is damaged.
The time before Jen got up to the yurt facility, we got to see her catching up with her wedding crush Josh and that sequence was cute, it showed that while Jen is confident in her work life and as She-Hulk, she still has time to be just Jen. I said last week “that he was a plant in order to try and get blood from her” and I proved to be correct and while I am not saying that the guy couldn’t have just been a regular guy, there was nothing about the way he disregarded the She-Hulk as normal to me. The ending confirmed that he was working for someone else, not that he was the head honcho and there are plenty of rumours as to who it might be, some kind of Leader is expected and while it would be nice, the shows seemingly unconcerned care about that story thread, means it may just be a fake out.
Back to Yurtville, the whole group therapy dynamic was interesting, though it could have been much more so if the characters were interesting, beyond their single power or belief of a power. Man Bull has been a Marvel character for just over 50 years now and while this version is different from the comics, the show really leant more into the bull aspect of him, though given his name in the comics is William Taurens, that isn’t that far of a lean. All of the conversations there was aimed at drawing in Jen, especially when Magical Crowbar guy showed up and while flowery words were presented, it seemed a little bit of a pointless gesture, when we know that he was also working for the as yet, unrevealed bad guy. Everything in that group session lead up to the moment wen Jen deleted the number of the man who ghosted her and the fact that we saw that deletion means it will play into the story at some point.
This is where things fall apart for me, the acting as always was great across the board, but the shows plot seems to be so thin, it has no idea what it is doing. Marvel is well aware that we have a show about a character that can do a whole lot of destroying, yet we rarely get to see her, Hulk out and even when we do, its for a brief moment and never for anything interesting. The last three episodes have had interesting ideas, but each aspect of them could have been cut and moved into something else entirely. When you watch Law and Order, you don’t want to see the cops spend an episode repairing a squad car, or if you watch Rick and Morty, you don’t want to see a classroom lecture on the physics the show uses, both shows have a specific genre they are fitting in and they focus on that. She-Hulk: Attorney at Law doesn’t seem to know what it wants to be, when She-Hulk isn’t hulking out and given that she isn’t in her Hulk form most of the time, that is not a good thing.
There are only two episodes left to go and there is still not real threat to the main character, yes, we have seen shadowy behaviour from a date, a random room filled with science guys and a message board that shows people not loving She-Hulk, but none of those have any weight to them. Dedicating another episode to the life of Jen, would have been fine, if we didn’t just have two of them in a row and while I like to say that Marvel keeps dragging their shows out, they at least move things forward in some fashion, whereas here things appear to be stuck. The final two episodes of this season have to bring in Daredevil, which we have seen in the trailers, introduce the threat that is lurking behind the scenes and likely set up for a second season or a movie. Two of those alone would be big asks and with what we have been getting, I don’t think it can do it.
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law has the foundation behind it, but the trial prep has been so shoddy, its all over the place and at this late stage, correcting the mind of anyone, would be a hard sell, even if you are the She-Hulk.
The Score
The Pros
+Those final moments show that we have some progress on the threat that Jen has no idea is around her
The Cons
-Emil as a meditation teacher was a fine concept, but not one we needed to see expanded upon on screen
-The show seems set to take focus off major threats and aim it at plots that would be background in most other shows