Stronghold Warlords gets a new trailer thanks to PAX West

With PAX West here, there will be many announcements, one of them is that Stronghold Warlords has a new trailer, which shows off gameplay for the first time in full, as well as shows off parts of the Warlord system that underlines the game, check it out.
In Stronghold: Warlords victory is decided by players who effectively target and recruit AI Warlords in each mission or map. By recruiting specific Warlords at the right time players can send themselves extra resources, buff their army, launch sieges from Warlord castles or even team up for a pincer attack! By unlocking more powerful castles, armies and abilities each Warlord has the potential to disrupt the flow of battle and turn the tide in your favor.
“Warlords has come a long way since our E3 reveal” said Nick Tannahill, Marketing Director at Firefly Studios. “We’ve been paying close attention to fan feedback and made a range of graphical improvements, in addition to adding new units and siege weapons. We’ve also upgraded the look and feel of the Warlords system, which is fully playable at PAX West”.
The game is on track for its 2020 release on PC, there is no word if consoles are being considered, the series has jumped to other platforms before, so it is possible.