Two Point Hospital aims to take care of consoles later in the year

Sega and Two Point Studios have announced that infection is spreading from PC to consoles, but they have a cure as players will soon be able to hit up Two Points Hospital on Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One later in the year for a cure.
In the atypical and engrossing world of Two Point Hospital you, the hospital administrator must deal with many tricky situations on a daily basis, taking on varied challenges and demonstrating your ability to build, cure and improve in the hardest and strangest circumstances. Running a hospital empire can be – often literally – a messy business. So make sure to train your staff and deal with their wide-ranging personality traits if you want to defeat the healthcare competition of Two Point County and don't worry if you can't save every patient, ghost capturing janitors are here to help.
“Bringing Two Point Hospital to console is something we always envisioned when starting up Two Point Studios in 2016”, said Mark Webley, Game Director at Two Point Studios. “Our community’s number one question since launch has been: ‘when is Two Point Hospital coming to consoles?’. Well, it is happening and we are very excited.”
The game will come with the base game and two of the expansions, Bigfoot and Pebberley Island, for some snow and sun respectively. The game is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Switch, but no date has been provided as of yet, outside of the late 2019 release.
Here are some screens, four of each, from the game, Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, in that order.