Two Point Hospital is open on consoles this February

Two Point Studios and Sega had announced recently that Two Point Hospital for consoles would slip from a late 2019 release until sometime in early 2020 and now that early has a firmness attached to it. February 25 is the date when gamers on Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One will be able to save the world from a host of bizarre and sometimes comical ailments.
Those with keen eyesights might have caught the Game Pass logo in the video at the end, which means that when the game releases, those with an active subscription to the service, will be able to enjoy the game as well.
Build your epic healthcare empire in the atypical world of Two Point County, by customising your hospitals, researching (119!) unusual illnesses, curing patients and training staff. At launch, Two Point Hospital on consoles comes with the first two critically acclaimed expansions ‘Bigfoot’ and ‘Pebberley Island’, which gives players a total of 21 regions to explore. To ensure the best gameplay experience across all platforms, Two Point Studios have rebuilt the PC control scheme for console gaming which guarantees smooth play for both on the go and on the couch gaming.
Here are some screens for the game, for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Switch, so you can see the different versions in action.