Bethesda are updating more titles for next gen support

Bethesda have announced a little bit of news ahead of QuakeCon at Home and it is that DOOM Eternal and The Elder Scrolls Online are both coming to Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5.
First the good news, if you own either game on either platform, you will get a free upgrade to the next gen platform, but in the same family, so no jumping from PlayStation 4 to Xbox Series X or vice versa. The bad news is that we don’t know when they are coming, though the team have promised details in the coming weeks.
The other piece of bad news is that DOOM Enteral is getting announced for more platforms, and we are still waiting for the game to release on one of its initial ones, Switch, hopefully we hear about it, this weekend.
Back to some good news though, for this, I am quoting Bethesda:
And while we don’t have any news to share just yet on our remaining catalogue of titles, we can confirm we are committed to offer free upgrades for current generation console owners of existing Bethesda titles we bring forward into the next generation of consoles.
While I would not imagine all games coming across, big ones like Rage 2, or Dishonored could easily make the jump. The question is, what current generation games, would you like to see hit next gen, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim doesn’t count.