The details about how DOOM Eternal and The Elder Scrolls Online next gen upgrades have been released

Bethesda announced sometime ago that they were going to be introducing DOOM Eternal and The Elder Scrolls Online to next gen platforms. While there is still not date on when those upgrades will come, you can play both games via backwards compatibility today, they have released some more details about how it will all work.
Here is one of the questions answered in their new FAQ.
We’re excited for the new consoles and are pleased to let you know that The Elder Scrolls Online and DOOM Eternal will be our first games to receive free next generation console upgrades. We have not announced when these upgrades will be available. Upgrades will apply to both physical and digital versions of each title, but please note that physical versions will not be able to upgrade on the digital-only versions of the next generation console.
For the rest of them, hit up their site and give them a while, they have already answered that Switch owners can’t get free upgrades, which is funny and also insulting as DOOM Eternal has not yet been released for the platform.